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Eine online Spendenaktion mit Altruja

Arts for Education Togo, November 27th, Pygmalion Theater Vienna

Come and spend the night with us on Tuesday, November 27th at the Pygmalion Theater, which includes a reception with sparkling wine, a vernissage from a local artist, the showing of Carmen, and a buffet:
Pygmalion Theater
Alser Str. 43, 1080 Wien, Austria

More information on Facebook

The first pictures of the construction area in Haloukpabound

The construction of the third school in Haloukpabound will start in 2013. Here the first pictures of the construction area are shown:

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– Prof. Rolf Eschenbach, Professor an der Wirtschaftsuniversit√§t Wien

– Roger Karre, Pr√§sident des Lions Clubs Wien Oper