Entries by ferdinand admin

What happened in 2018?

Dear Education Togo Community, From our whole team in Austria, Germany and Togo – we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2019! We are very thankful for all our supporters in 2018! Thanks to you, we’ve been able to realise many of our projects. Here’s a quick review of the main […]

Scholarships 2018/19

Once again like every year we achieved to provide scholarships for the upcoming school year for 300 girls in need. Many families in Togo are struggling to pay the fees for all their children to go to school so most of the young girls end up staying at home. Thanks to the scholarships this wasn’t […]

100 school scholarships for girls in Togo

The team of Education Togo is more than delighted to announce that our scholarship fundraising campaign has been successfully completed via respekt.net. Thanks to the generous contributions of 40 donors the needed amount of 1.687 Euros was raised in less than 2 months. The donations translated into 100 school scholarships will enable 100 girls from […]