Happy 5th Birthday, Education Togo!

Rather than starting with what we have achieved during these five years, we first would like to thank each and everyone who has been supporting us in making Education Togo what it is today – a success story! It would not have been possible without you, THANK YOU!

With your help we were able to build 4 schools with a further one being under construction, finance a library and an internet cafe and install an electricity generating solar system, fund scholarships and all in all took a huge step forward in realizing our vision to improve the education of children and young people in Togo. Looking back five years, this all seemed but a dream. (For those of you, who do not know how it all began, please read the “how it all began” section, here: http://www.educationtogo.org/about-us/#toggle-id-1)

To commemorate our collective achievements and to celebrate the anniversary, we invited you to the Education Togo birthday party on 21st January 2016 at VinziRast (which we also believe to be a really good initiative, for further information please visit http://www.vinzirast.at/). Besides the happy celebrations, we also informed about our past and present projects and gave an outlook on what is yet to be achieved.

Again, many thanks for your support during these amazing five years and we are very much looking forward to continue on the road to further improve education in Togo – and we would be very happy if you will accompany us on this mission!

Last but not least, here some happy memories from the 5th birthday party:

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School Garden at CEG Salimde

We started to set up a school garden at one of our middle schools in Salimde! To gain practical knowledge in gardening our volunteer Pia and the Peace Corps volunteer Jessica offer an afterschool activity in addition to the compulsory in-class course “agriculture”. Despite the hard work in a garden which also includes building a fence made out of collected wood and palm leaves the interest is large and students come in great number to each session. The excitement among the participants was especially great when each and every one planted Moringa seeds in recycled plastic bags. More than 80 seedlings are now being taken care of until in two months they can be planted out in the school yard. We also started with composting to improve the quality of the soil and to fertilize the vegetable beds.

Note: Moringa has many benefits- it can be grown easily and cheaply in the sub-Saharan region, and the leaves retain lots of vitamins and minerals when dried, therefore often being used to fight malnutrition. But also all parts of the tree can be used for medical purposes.

Construction of our 5th school building started!

Our 5th school is being built in Yara Kabye – thanks to the great support of “Frau in der Wirtschaft” and Rotary Club Grieskirchen!

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Library Opening in Kalanga

Thanks to the great support of our sponsor Kremsmueller, it was possible to establish a fully equipped library for the pupils of Kalanga and the neighboring communities. The school library was funded within the social responsibility programme “Kremsmueller 4 Life”.


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Charity Cocktail Grieskirchen

Grieskirchen, May 27, 2015: “Frau in der Wirtschaft” and Rotary Club organised a charity art auction for the benefit of Education Togo.

The location, “Sichtbar”, was crowded, and funding for an entire school construction could be raised. We are really overwhelmed by the enormous response to this event. THANK YOU so much “Frau in der Wirtschaft” and Rotary Club for your great support!!!


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Our 4th school building in Togo has been completed!

Construction workin Kalangha has been completed, our 4th school building in Togohas beenfinished!

The community is very excited, teachers and students can’t wait to start their classes in the new building. More photos coming soon…

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Construction on school to be completed soon!

What is needed most now,is money to buy books. Please help us with your donation to buy books for thekids and teachers in Kalanga!

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School building in Kalanga almost finished!

Construction work in Kalanga is going well. We are very happy with the progress of the building (it’s almost finished) andeveryone is excited to see the building in use soon.

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International Women’s Day / Journee internationale de la femme

Education Togo has celebrated International Women’s Day 2015on March 8 in Sokode.

Education Togo a celebre la journee internationale de la femme le 8 Mars 2015 à Sokode.

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School construction in Kalanga has already started!

Construction of our 4th school in Togo has already started!

In Kalanga, everyone is working hard to make this project a reality and the construction work is moving along smoothly.

However, we still need your support to help the school buy books. As the school community is growing quickly, the budget is not permitting them to buyall the books the students need. Currently, even some teachers do nothave the books they need to teach with.

You can help with your donation or by buying your stuff from Amazon via the link on our website: http://www.educationtogo.org/how-can-i-help/


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